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XPHX Price : $ Welcome to xphxCo website Guest

Swap Fees :

For each swap, there’s a base fee of 0.09 $ for trades less than 1.69 $,
It increases by 0.10 $ for every 2.86 $ more than base amount(1.69 $),
Above the threshold of 201.00 $, surplus fee will be 0.72 % of the surplus trading value.

Formulas :

If ( VALUE < 1.69 $ ) :
FEE = 0.09 $

If ( 1.69 $ < VALUE < 201.00 $ ) :
FEE = 0.09 $ +
( ( VALUE - 0.09) / 2.86 ) * 0.10 ) $

If ( VALUE > 201.00 $ ) :
FEE = 0.09 $ +
( ( VALUE - 0.09 ) / 2.86 ) * 0.10 ) $ +
( VALUE - 201.00 ) * 0.72 %

Purchase PhoenixCo VIP Premium accounts to decrease the swap fees up to 80%